Ethics Laboratory for Veterinary Medicine, Conservation and Animal Welfare

The mission of Padua University Laboratory for Ethics for Veterinary Medicine, Conservation, and Animal Welfare is to promote a deeper understanding and awareness related to the ethical management and treatment of non-human animals in any field, from farming and agriculture to scientific experimentation, from companionship and assisted intervention to biodiversity conservation.

In particular we explore ethical relevant issues concerning: Veterinary Medicine research and practice, In-situ and ex-situ biodiversity conservation research and management, Applied ethology and animal welfare research, management, and regulations, Conservation ethics, human-wildlife concflicts and coexistence.

The Laboratory collaborates with the following institutions: Colorado State University (U.S.A.), National Zoological Gardens (South Africa), Istituto Italiano di Bioetica (Italy), Parco Natura Viva (Italy), Aquario di Genova (Italy), IZW Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Germany), IZSLER Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell'Emilia Romagna "Bruno Ubertini" (Italy), IZSVE Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (Italy), UKZN University of KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa), Goethe University, Frankfurt (Germany), Zoom Torino (Italy), Giardino Zoologico di Pistoia (Italy), Conservation Guardians (South Africa), WWF Lecco (Italy), SZN Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn (Italy), Federparchi (Italy

Responsabile scientifico:Barbara de Mori