Personale Docente

Marco Vincenzo Patruno

Professore ordinario



Telefono: 0498272792


  • presso Stecca 3, primo piano; studio del Prof. Patruno e Dott.ssa Maccatrozzo, Agripolis, Legnaro
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2001 - Present
Associate Professor, Dept. Comparative Biomedicine & Food Science (BCA)
Teaching: Professor of Veterinary Anatomy, Histology and Embryology for the Veterinary and Biotechnology course; Professor of Comparative Anatomy for the Animal Care course.
- Responsible for the Internationalization Strategy of BCA Department.
- Teaching commission of BCA
- EAEVE commission
- International commission of Padua University (delegate of the BCA Director)
- iMOVES coordinator (Summer School)

Research topics:
- Characterization of adult stem cells in veterinary medicine
- Study the effects of cryopreservation on mesenchymal stem cells isolated from adipose tissue of dog and peripheral blood of horse.
- In vivo study on sheep/horse tendon/skin regeneration
- Development of a human biocompatible tendon scaffold re-cellularized with adipose derived stem cells.
- Results obtained during these years allowed to widen, also in the veterinary field, knowledge and potential application of stem cells obtained from peripheral blood or adipose tissue. In particular we have investigated the potential application of stem cells in tendon and skin regeneration both in sheep and horses and in human for full thickness tendon lesions.

-National Coordinator of the PRIN 2017 (started in 2019): BRITEs project.
BRITEs: Byproduct Recycling: Innovative TEchnology from the Sea

-EMA (European Medicines Agency) expert
-ANVUR delegate

- Prof. Patruno has gained the national scientific “abilitation” (ASN) for the sector 07/H1 on the 3-12-2013 and subsequently on the 24-10-2018

- h-index: 26

- Author of more than 150 international publications of which 64 full papers, 9 chapters in books of international interest, 61 international congress (14 times speaker), 38 national congress (9 times speaker); in collaboration with other colleagues, a text book of Embryology.
- National winner as “young researcher” at the 4° National Congress of Veterinary Morphology (2004, University of Torino).
- Supervisor of fellowship projects of many Italian postdocs in foreign institutions;
- Reviewer of projects for national and international agencies (ISF, ALW, Italian MIUR, and The French National Research Agency);
- Reviewer for ARTI, Agenzia Regionale per la Tecnologia e l’Innovazione, Regione Puglia (“FutureInResearch”).
- Reviewer of scientific papers for a number of peer reviewed international journals (Animal Genomics; Cell and Tissue research; The Anatomical Record; Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry; European Journal of Histochemistry; Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology; Genes development and evolution; Histochemistry and Cell Biology; Stem Cells; Tissue Engineering; Equine Veterinary Journal)
- Member associate of the Society for Experimental Biology (UK), Italian Association Veterinary Morphology, Group ABCD-Regulation of Development and the International Veterinary Regenerative Medicine Society (IVRMS).
- The research group led by Prof. Patruno has characterized adult stem cells from blood of the horse and adipose tissue of the dog and showed that cryopreservation does not modify their “stemness” features; recent studies focus on evaluating the regenerative potential of stem cells for the regular dense connective tissue (tendons) and skin, in vitro and in vivo. The same research group furnishes a service for Veterinarians named “Stem Cell Delivery” dedicated to the analysis and cryopreservation of stem cells of several animals.

Download Curriculum_Patruno.pdf

Pubblicazioni ultimi 3 anni:

-) CANCELLARA L, QUARTESAN S, TONIOLO L, REGGIANI C, MELOTTI L, FRANCOLINI M, MASCARELLO F, MACCATROZZO L, PATRUNO M. Age-dependent variations in the expression of myosin isoforms and myogenic factors during the involution of the proximal sesamoidean ligament of sheep. Res Vet Sci. 2019 (in PRESS)
-) MELOTTI L, VEZZOLI E, MASCARELLO F, MACCATROZZO L, PATRUNO M. The natural involution of the sheep proximal sesamoidean ligament is due to depletion of satellite cells and simultaneous proliferation of fibroblasts: Ultrastructural evidence. Res Vet Sci. 2019 Mar 8;124:106-111. doi: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2019.03.005

-) MARTINELLO T, GOMIERO C, PERAZZI A, IACOPETTI I, GEMIGNANI F, DEBENEDICTIS GM, FERRO S, ZUIN M, MARTINES E, BRUN P, MACCATROZZO L, CHIERS K, SPAAS JH, PATRUNO M. Allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells improve the wound healing process of sheep skin. BMC Vet Res. 2018;14:202. doi: 10.1186/s12917-018-1527-8.
-) PATRUNO M, PERAZZI A, MARTINELLO T, GOMIERO C, MACCATROZZO L, IACOPETTI I. Investigations of the corneal epithelium in Veterinary Medicine: State of the art on corneal stem cells found in different mammalian species and their putative application. Res Vet Sci. 2018;118:502-507. doi: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2018.05.006.
-) RAVARA B, GOBBO V, INCENDI D, PORZIONATO A, MACCHI V, CARO R, COLETTI D, MARTINELLO T, PATRUNO M. Revisiting the peculiar regional distribution of muscle fiber types in rat Sternomastoid Muscle. Eur J Transl Myol. 2018 Mar 1;28(1):7302. doi: 10.4081/ejtm.2018.7302. PMID: 29686819
-) PATRUNO M, MELOTTI L, GOMIERO C, SACCHETTO R, TOPEL O, MARTINELLO T. A mini-review of TAT-MyoD fused proteins: state of the art and problems to solve (2017) Eur J Transl Myol 27: 234-238. doi: 10.4081/ejtm.2017.6039
-) PATRUNO M, GOMIERO C, SACCHETTO R, TOPEL O, NEGRO A, MARTINELLO T. Tat-MyoD fused proteins, together with C2c12 conditioned medium, are able to induce equine adult mesenchimal stem cells towards the myogenic fate. Vet Res Commun. 2017. Vol 41:211-217. doi: 10.1007/s11259-017-9692-y.
-) MAGRO M, MARTINELLO T, BONAIUTO E, GOMIERO C, BARATELLA D, ZOPPELLARO G, COZZA G, PATRUNO M, ZBORIL R, VIANELLO F. Covalently bound DNA on naked iron oxide nanoparticles: Intelligent colloidal nano-vector for cell transfection. 2017. 1861(11 PtA):2802-2810.
-) PERAZZI ANNA, BONSEMBIANTE FEDERICO, GELAIN MARIA ELENA, PATRUNO MARCO, ENZO DI IORIO, MIGLIORATI ANGELO, IACOPETTI ILARIA (2017). Cytology of the healthy canine and feline ocular surface: comparison between cytobrush and impression technique. VETERINARY CLINICAL PATHOLOGY, Vol. 46:164-171. ISSN: 0275-6382, doi: 10.1111/vcp.12450
-) PATRUNO M, PERAZZI A., MARTINELLO T., BLASEOTTO A., DI IORIO E., IACOPETTI I. (2017). Morphological description of limbal epithelium: searching for stem cells crypts in the dog, cat, pig, cow, sheep and horse. VETERINARY RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 41: 1694-173, ISSN: 0165-7380, doi: 10.1007/s11259-017-9676-y
-) SPAAS JAN H., GOMIERO CHIARA, BROECKX SARAH Y., VAN HECKE LORE, MACCATROZZO LISA, MARTENS ANN, MARTINELLO TIZIANA, PATRUNO MARCO (2016). Wound-healing markers after autologous and allogeneic epithelial-like stem cell treatment. CYTOTHERAPY, vol. 18, ISSN: 1465-3249, doi: 10.1016/j.jcyt.2016.01.008

La ricerca sulle potenzialità terapeutiche delle cellule staminali è di grande interesse anche in Medicina Veterinaria. Il gruppo di ricerca coordinato dal Professor Patruno si occupa ed ha caratterizzato cellule staminali adulte da sangue di cavallo e tessuto adiposo di cane ed ha dimostrato che la criopreservazione non altera la “staminalità” delle stesse; ricerche più recenti si concentrano nel valutare l’efficacia rigenerativa delle cellule staminali nel tessuto connetivo denso regolare (tendini), in vitro ed in vivo. Lo stesso gruppo fornisce un servizio per i Medici Veterinari denominato “Stem Cell Services” dedicato all’analisi ed al congelamento di cellule staminali di diversi animali.

Richiedere direttamente al docente;
l'argomento, anche svolto in modo compilativo, verterà sulla caratterizzazione e uso delle cellule staminali adulte in ambito veterinario.

Responsabile dell'Aula Microscopi situata al pentagono;
Coordinatore Progetto internazionale iMoves.