Teaching activities

The programme aims to enable students to acquire knowledge about the interactions between animal, human and marine ecosystem health; acquire specific skills applicable to conservation medicine; understand how a conservation medicine approach can be applied in a range of practical situations in the marine environment; interpret and communicate scientific results and information (in research and other forms of social debate) across other related scientific disciplines and to other stakeholders.

The activities are divided in 3 tematic areas:

  • Law, communication and management
  • Ecology and Biology
  • Veterinary Medicine

List of the teaching activities and their in-depth modules:

Introduction to Conservation Medicine

  • Introduction to Conservation Medicine: the One Health approach

Policies, regulations and management of the conservation of marine vertebrates

  • Environmental policies: Habitat and Birds Directive; MSFD; Marina Spatial Planning; International rules and regional Agreements

Ecology and conservation biology

  • Planning and management marine vertebrate conservation: MPAs, IMMAs, Natura2000 areas and species action plans

  • Ecology and Conservation of large marine vertebrates
  • Monitoring marine vertebrates: visual and acoustic methods
  • New tools: drones, satellites and aerial surveys
  • Evaluation od the Species Conservation Status
  • Ex Situ Conservation and Aquaria management
  • Monitoring marine vertebrates: visual and acoustic methods

Anatomy, pathology and human interaction: known and unknown

  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Veterinary Pathology as a tool for marine vertebrate conservation
  • Viral disease and emerging pathogens
  • Bacterial diseases
  • Parasitic diseases
  • Impact of pollution: heavy metals and organic pollutant
  • Macro-litter and microplastic
  • By-catch: problem, extension and mitigation
  • Assessing the impact of underwater noise on marine vertebrates: knowns and unknowns

Advanced in veterinary and biological analyses

  • Field and laboratory techniques
  • Wildlife crime and forensic investigations
  • Microbiome, genomic, proteomic, trascriptomic
  • Ecotoxicological analyses and investigations
  • Applied epidemiology and risk analysis

Strandings and environmental disaster management

  • Stranding networks
  • Marine mammals first response and refloatation
  • Marine mammals Rescue facilities management
  • Sea turtles rescue centers
  • Animal Welfare
  • Oil spills management
  • Disentanglement training of large whales

Veterinary Medicine applied to marine vertebrates

  • Veterinary Imaging in Sea Turtles Diagnostic
  • Marine Mammals Medicine: rehabilitation and release
  • Veterinary Imaging in Marine Mammals diagnostic
  • Anesthesia, teleanesthesia and Euthanasia in marine mammals
  • Sea Turtles First Aid and Critical Care
  • Pratical case studies
  • Sea Turtles Anesthesia and Analgesia
  • Sea Turtles Surgery

Project management and communication

  • Public Awarness and public engagement
  • Communication and Media
  • Managing and leading conservation projects
  • Education and museum